Taking the Time Off

Being a freelancer can be stressful at times. And to getaway from the bro-haha home job that I have, I decided to visit my friend Ivy. She was originally from Cebu (can’t wait to feature that place soon) but lives in Bacolod now because her kind hubby is from there. After getting a confirmation reply from her that I can disturb her peace and quiet, I packed my bag (note to self buy a new one), dumped the mangoes (3 kilos) and bananas in my other bag, rode the tricycle to the terminal and off I went to the beautiful City of Smiles. The Philippines is an archipelago, thus going to Bacolod City mean riding a ferry across. ARGH! Weathers can be tricky sometimes. I expected a peaceful ride (the boat rocked and I felt myself wanting to throw up several times), yeah right! 🙂 So enough chitchat, lemme show you my photos 🙂


Old building at Jaro, Iloilo City

For more pictures, feel free to check the images here: (I will find time to edit the title)